Thursday 31 December 2015

Tale of Four Oldhammerers, December results.

Leaving it to last minute again!

This month I did as many skeleton warriors as I could squeeze in, plus a unit champion, as January is going to be pretty busy to say the least. I have a mummy prepped for that month so I should be able to maintain things fairly well, fingers crossed!

Level 5 champion (centre) with light armour, 32 points. Six skeleton warriors with spears and shields, 12 points each. 104 points for the month.

The points so far, scored for painting at least one hundred points in a month or maintaining a 100 point monthly average (one point for that) and publishing a dedicated blog post on the project at least once a month (one point for that). This month sees Steve move into second place! Congratulations! I can feel your hot breath down my neck, and it's very motivational.

Paul 8 points.

Steve 5 points.

Chico 5 points. (Updated after Steward's Enquiry!)

James 4 points. (Updated to include a last minute entry!)

Thanks for stopping by! Seasons greetings and see you next year!